Security & Account Safety
- Scam Call Guidance Scammers use a wide variety of methods to impersonate legitimate businesses and organisations to obtain personal and private information. How can I spot a scam? Scammers are very sophisticated, which can make a scam difficult to spot. Scammers may: pretend to be from an organisation you ...
- Mobile Number Transfers In line with new telecommunications regulations, we’ve updated our fraud prevention measures to help stop anyone from trying to port or transfer your number to Pivotel without your consent. We’ve added an extra identity verification check to our ordering process. If you’re transferring ...
- Protecting Your Account - Additional Authentication We're introducing some new ways to protect your Pivotel account. To ensure that your Pivotel account is more secure than ever before, we're introducing additional authentication, so you can continue to enjoy the same peace of mind you can always expect from us when it comes to the safety of ...